It’s Men’s Health Month, which is a time set aside to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease. And with Father’s Day right around the corner, I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about a widely believed health myth that could be very damaging to the health of you or the men in your life.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and I want to talk about something you may not think about when it comes to your mental health: your diet.
The latest research suggests your gut bacteria is almost as unique as your fingerprint. Inside your gut, you house a distinct combination of bacteria that determines how your body reacts to certain foods. Someday, finding the perfect diet to manage a healthy weight may be as simple as assessing the profile of your gut bacteria.
Guest Post by Bridgit Danner, FDNP, LAc
Menopause is, in our cultural vocabulary, described as the symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats. But menopause is actually the cessation of your menstrual cycle. You know it’s ceased when you haven’t had a cycle for a year. Peri-menopause is a period that extends for a long time before menopause. But what is going on in perimenopause anyway?
Continue readingWhen you’re burnt out, romance can so easily slip to the bottom of your neverending to-do list. This Valentine’s Day, learn how to Rewire Your Desire with half off my six week program to help women regain their passion, energy, and drive.